For the past five years, our OPC mission has played a central role in managing the project’s timelines. Working alongside the public institution Rebâtir Notre-Dame de Paris, the project owner, we handle all organizational aspects, from planning to coordinating the actions of various stakeholders, in collaboration with our co-contractor SICA LOGISTIQUE. Our tasks include coordinating and sequencing activities, harmonizing work in time and space, and closely monitoring progress with the project manager. Through this mission, setec opency has applied all its expertise in planning, organization, and project management, drawing on its experience with large-scale projects. We have also implemented a Lean Management approach to improve operational efficiency, enhance production quality, and reduce execution times.
With ambitious deadlines set by President Emmanuel Macron and a significant scope of work, setec opency has risen to the challenge of managing and coordinating this massive project. Following the devastating fire in April 2019, the project has involved stabilizing the structure, diagnostics, rebuilding the spire and roof, rehabilitating the vaults and walls, and finally, finishing and modernization work. In numbers, this means an average of 100 deliveries per week, 15,000 planned activities, over 200,000 hours of on-site work, 1,000 artisans, and 250 companies to coordinate in a constrained space.
To celebrate the completion of the work, three major events are scheduled: on November 29, a final site visit by President Emmanuel Macron; on December 7, a ceremony to hand over the cathedral to the Church of France; and on December 8, a first public mass to consecrate the altar and the interior of the cathedral.
We are delighted to share this team photo from the site, capturing this historic moment. Stay tuned for our latest updates !
OPC: setec opency (lead) and Sica Logistique
Project Owner: Public Institution Rebâtir Notre-Dame de Paris
Project Management: Philippe Villeneuve, Pascal Prunet, and Rémi Fromont, ACMH